While this wasn't my first time having people over for fun and serving dinner, it was my first experience with "entertaining" in the formal sense. Not that it was all that formal, but I did break out the nice china, and set the table in a traditional style - complete with a centerpiece! I also received some beautiful warming/baking dishes from my brother for Christmas that match my china so I used those to display the food.
The evening went very well and I learned something important about myself. I never thought I would be good at party hosting, or even cooking for that matter! But since becoming a homemaker, I've been trying different things around the house and learning what tastes good in which dishes and I think I've actually gotten somewhat decent at it! Hurray for me!
I am very proud of you. You make me look like an amateur! The table was very pretty and the food sounds great too!
I'm very impressed! I'm as old as I am, and I still get very nervous when I have others over for a meal! Your table was very pretty and I'm sure the food was great! Go you!
Great setting! That meal looks delicious!!
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