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Monday, March 3, 2008

Our almost frugal new couch!

YES! We finally purchased our new couch this weekend. (Old couch is getting old - cushions are supported with plywood to keep the couch from basically eating you when you sit down!) We had been waiting until tax refund time and that time is here! We selected our new couch (pictured here) a week ago, but decided to hold off. Thank goodness we did, because I found a 29% off coupon in honor of Leap Day. This made the entire purchase, including taxes, shipping and delivery, and a "fabric upgrade", $65 less than the original cost of just the couch itself. Hurray for us!

One sneaky thing to look out for if you are furniture shopping - fabric upgrades. We got a little duped on this one. The fabric we chose last week is apparently not an in-stock fabric. They have to "special make it". Funny, no one told us there would be $100 upgrade fee for this selection until AFTER they had begun processing our order. I was a little peeved about that. I almost opted to change our color selection, but we really liked the color we chose and decided it was worth the extra since we would have to live with it for who knows how many years. So if you're looking to buy a new piece of furniture, ask about the fabric cost before finalizing your selections!


Kacie said...

Lol! In college, I had a couch that "ate" the sitter. Totally know what you mean!

Glad you got a good couch, but that stinks about the sales tactics. Sneaky people.

Debbie J said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the new couch that doesn't eat people!

Little Penpen said...

I love your new couch! What color did you choose? You must be so excited!